Brompton Bobcats Touch Tournament Finals

Brompton Bobcats

Brompton Bobcats Touch Tournament Finals

Last week was the final match for the Brompton Bobcats at Northallerton Rugby Club, and what a great day it was!

The tournament took place over 6 weeks, with 20 games scheduled. On Friday, Brompton Bobcats won all 3 games of the evening and finished 8th place out of 14, bringing the tournament to a close.

P+HS Architects are a proud sponsor of Northallerton Rugby Club; senior member Pete Stead was team leader and proudly supported the Brompton Bobcats throughout the tournament. Ben Lillywhite, another P+HS member, also participated throughout the tournament, playing brilliantly week after week.

The annual touch tournament usually requires players to contribute £10 towards kit costs, this year we allowed the players to donate that money to a charity of choice. A total of £350 was raised for the Motor Neuron Disease Associate (MNDA) Yorkshire Dales branch.

If you would like to read more about this great charity, or you would like to make a donation, please see their website.

Well done to all those involved.