Allen’s West, Eaglescliffe

Snippet of master plan

Allen’s West, Eaglescliffe

The site had outline approval for the erection of a residential development comprising of 845 dwellings (Class C3) and a residential institution (Class C2) with associated retail, creche and community facilities, landscaping, roads, parking and infrastructure. Alongside our client, Home Group, we collaborated with Taylor Wimpey and wider consultants to prepare an appropriate design solution which responds to planning policy and the site context, whilst working to mitigate constraints and maximise the opportunities provided. The proposals were submitted as a Reserved Matters Application and approved by the Local Planning Authority.

P+HS Architects worked with Home Group to design the wider site plan, comprising of 422 dwellings, as well as, a series of new house types to suit the local needs, both private sale and affordable in tenure. Our brief was to create a high quality residential development, a legible and attractive place with a sense of identity. The development parcel was located to the South of the site, where the key focus was to prioritise entry and arrival points, changes in materials and texture to provide distinct character areas, ensure passive surveillance across the site through the use of corner turners and well overlooked areas of public open space, creating key vista points and enhanced street scenes, all whilst reducing traffic speeds across the wider development.

ALWE PHS XX 00 DR A 20 020 crop
AO Sheet 422 plots SK 5 and 88004

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