
2897 Amble Aerial supplied by Home Group Sam Simmons


P+HS have successfully worked with Home Group for many years on a variety of projects across Yorkshire, Cumbria and the North East of England.

Our scheme at Amble, Longstone Manor Persona Homes, is designed to provide 185 much needed new dwellings on the outskirts of Amble in Northumberland. A mixed blend of family homes is being constructed across the site, including two, three and four bedroom houses, along with one bedroom Tyneside flats and bungalows.

The neighbourhood design has a key focus on public open space with a rich biodiversity to maintain and encourage wildlife. We created a mix of house types bespoke to the site, including double fronted properties and a series of corner turners to provide a safe family environment with passive surveillance and interest along the varied street scene. In line with Persona's desire to 'build homes not houses and put customers at the heart of everything', our contemporary designs provide choice for modern living using a mixture of open plan and more traditional cellular arrangements internally.

The initial phase of the scheme has proved extremely popular and the next phase is now underway with an expected completion date of Spring 2026.

The scheme is being built by Esh Construction. Take a look at the scheme's Site Story here to see it progress through the construction phase.

2897 Amble Site Visit July 2024 1
2897 Amble Site Visit July 2024 2
2897 Amble Streetscape

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