Mental Health Champions
Mental Health Champions
P+HS Architects are committed to creating a work environment where people enjoy being, where they feel supported, and where they can thrive as individuals and as part of our team.
At P+HS we have a group of mental health champions whose role is to champion colleagues’ wellbeing, working to create positive mental health across the practice.
Our champions all chose to undertake this additional role. They have an interest in mental wellbeing, and all have attended specialist training to help in improving their understanding of mental health challenges, the triggers, and indicators to better equip them in supporting and signposting colleagues to sources of help.
As well as our mental health champions, the practice trains team leaders to be alert to mental wellbeing and promotes a culture of openness around the subject of mental health. Some of our most senior colleagues have shared their own stories around their experience of mental health challenges and their personal stories of what helped them.
It’s true to say that as an organisation, P+HS practice what they preach ‘Mental Health deserves conversation’.