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A 28 hectares site in the centre of Philadelphia where the wider settlement is predominantly residential although the site itself is dominated by the industrial Philadelphia Complex. The site is in a dilapidated state and whilst some buildings remain in use the majority are now vacant.

The site is located on a former coal head where many of the original buildings still remain, although typically large bulky industrial buildings the site boasts one of the few remaining Generator Houses and a number of railway sheds, all of which are listed and successfully integrated into the new development.

As well as the overriding need to retain these Listed Buildings, further key considerations were the retention of existing employment uses and to develop a mixed-use neighbourhood for which the outline masterplan provides a framework to show how this can be achieved.

Through stakeholder engagement and public consultation one of the overriding aspirations was for the regeneration of the wider town and it was important to ensure that the appearance, character and identity of the new reflects the existing to tie any new development to the existing and reinforce the town’s long-term identity.

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