Social Impact: Endcliffe PICU
Social Impact: Endcliffe PICU
This expanded Case Study for the project Endcliffe PICU has been created with the help of specialist consultants Hoare Lea to demonstrate how we evidence Social Impact through the places that we create.
Based at the Longley Centre at the Northern General Hospital in Norwood, Sheffield, the Endcliffe Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) is a 10-bed secure unit providing 24-hour care for people experiencing a mental health crisis. As an offering of the Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust, Endcliffe ward provides a safe, controlled, and low stimulus environment with high levels of observation and high intensity care. The project involved new building alongside extensive refurbishment to the previous mental health facility which had limited access to external spaces and was cramped and outdated. With the physical environment playing such a key role in mental health care and recovery in relation to both the indoor environment, and access to outdoor space and engagement with nature [1], this project offered significant improvements to mental health care delivery for some of the most vulnerable people. The facility also provides an occupational therapy room, sensory room, a prayer/quiet room, lounges, activity room, staff facilities, and offices.
[1] Walker, C., Hart, A., & Hanna, P. (2017). Building a new community psychology of mental health. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Social Impact of the Design
Co-production & social impact
In recent years, co-production has become the ‘gold-standard’ in the design and development of healthcare facilities. Such an approach challenges the traditional orthodoxy of ‘expertise’ residing within individuals with professional qualifications and recognises the expertise of individuals with lived experience [1]. In healthcare, these experts by experience include service users, carers, staff, and potentially the public.
Whilst many healthcare projects engage in the process of consultation with a range of stakeholders, the current project adopted a process of genuine co-production from the outset. For example, the design team worked with a variety of stakeholder groups at the Trust to develop and design the healthcare spaces and ensure that they are relevant to experts by experience and also enable them to effectively deliver existing service models whilst also providing the spaces to enable new clinical service models.
Across the project lifespan 3 primary co-production workshops were held, in addition to design review sessions and follow up engagement. The project adopted a robust design sign off and approval process with all stakeholders engaged in the sign off of the building design, the service operating model and the staffing structure. This specifically informed the inclusion of varied garden spaces for specific uses including Occupational Therapy, Seclusion and female only space, and a graffiti wall in the Occupational Therapy space.
This co-production approach to design and delivery has been shown to empower individuals and produce better healthcare environments [2].
Below: example of layout created through the process of stakeholder engagement and co-production.
[1] Boden, Z., Larkin, M., & Springham, N (2019) Using experience-based co-design to improve inpatient mental health spaces. IN McGrath, L & Reavey, P. The Handbook of Mental Health and Space. Routledge.
[2] Boden, Z., Larkin, M., & Springham, N (2019) Using experience-based co-design to improve inpatient mental health spaces. IN McGrath, L & Reavey, P. The Handbook of Mental Health and Space. Routledge.
Broader Social Impact
Whilst the above highlight the specific design aspects which have created positive social impact for the users of the clinical environment, and will likely have reduced incidents of conflict and length of stay, and enhanced staff retention, such impacts extend beyond the immediacy of the clinical setting through the use of external building materials which link to Sheffield’s historical social identity as a place of industry and specifically steel production.
In addition, as the Endcliffe ward is in a prominent position as visible to the public, the use of stainless-steel shingles against the white rendering attracts the gaze to the building to provide the implicit messaging that mental distress is not something to be hidden away, rather it is something to be open about, helping to challenge social stigma and reduce mental health discrimination and marginalisation [1].
[1] Meechan, H., John, M., & Hanna, P. (2021). Understandings of mental health and support for black male adolescents living in the UK. Children and Youth Services Review, 129, 106192.
Social Perceptions of the Project
As the above highlights, P+HS Architects' work on Endcliffe PICU has had a significant social impact when considered in the light of existing theory and research evidence. To support this, there follows a selection of direct quotations from individuals using the environment, including both the Ward Manager and Clinical Director commented on the significant positive impact on service users and staff. Adelaide Mukasa, (Ward Manager SHSC NHS FT):
"Bigger, brighter space where you can have some privacy and there is more opportunity for individual care..It's good, not only for the service users but also the staff."
Dr Mike Hunter (Clinical director SHSC NHS FT):
"How the before and after building compares is like night and day..From a dark old building to this fantastic bright, spacious environment, it's going to be brilliant for patient care."
Staff comments:
"It is much better to have separate spaces for people to work in, really positive to have the staff room. The unit is much quieter even when there are distressed service users there."
Assistant Services Director Lisa Johnson also reflected on feedback from service users obtained through focus groups, highlighting the following positive impacts: